First ILSI LATINOAMERICA Forum on Responsible Communication in Science, Nutrition and Food

First ILSI LATINOAMERICA Forum on Responsible Communication in Science, Nutrition and Food
Bogotá, Colombia
8:30 am – 2:28 pm
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Communication in these areas takes a great responsibility  in terms of public health, and it´s key to develop information and messages based on reliable sources, clear understanding of the audiences and purpose of the communication.  The role of the media and communicators of course is key. These aspects are specially relevant and challenging too, at a time when food, nutrition, health and wellbeing are at the forefront of consumer´s interests and presence in the media . ILSI North-Andean and ILSI Argentina are leading this first  forum  with a  Latin American scope with the idea of facilitating a dialogue that allows to share experiences, generate responsible tools to communicate science and promote an effective articulation between scientists and communicators.

Participants :

Deans of the  Schools of Social Communication, Nutrition, Food Technology and Gastronomy from different Universities.

Directors of Communications from the Health Ministry, Research Council (Colciencias) and Food Safety Agency

Directors of Scientific Journalism Networks in LA  and Scientific Societies

Journalists, bloggers, “youtubers”  

 Scope :

Stakeholders involved in the generation and communication of contents related to science with emphasis on  health , nutrition and food.

Organizers: ILSI North-Andean, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, ILSI Argentina, ILSI Brazil and ILSI South-Andean

Agenda final foro ILSI comunicacion

Presentacion Nora Bar

Presentacion N+1

Presentación InfoAlimentos